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作為海納百川的創意樞紐 帶來極致尊貴寓館體驗

K11 Craft & Guild Foundation 工藝及文化基金會

為承傳及活化傳統工藝的搖籃,令追溯至明清朝代的精緻中國工藝及瀕臨失傳的珍貴工藝技術得以保留之餘,更可以持續地推廣發展 K11 Craft & Guild Foundation由鄭志剛博士 SBS, JP(Dr. Adrian Cheng Chi-Kong SBS, JP)於2018年成立,致力保護及復興快將失傳的中國傳統工藝。 《尋古探今》由K11 Craft & Guild Foundation策劃及統籌,一場探尋文人珍玩及奇珍異寶的神秘之旅,無瑕融入K11 ARTUS 寓館10樓獨一無二的KCG展覽文化探索體驗,營造出無與倫比的文化氛圍。 現正於K11 ARTUS 寓館展出的工藝研究包括廣彩、百寶嵌、螺鈿、灰塑及木建築。
「K11 ARTUS營造創意盎然的環境,讓住客與一眾文人雅士進行文化探索及交流,找到激發文化創意靈感的泉源,令K11 ARTUS作為Artisanal Home匠心寓居的地位進一步提昇。」
鄭志剛博士 SBS, JP
  • K11 ARTUS創意館長
  • K11創辦人暨新世界發展執行副主席兼行政總裁
André Fu
  • 國際著名香港建築師
  • AFSO工作室創辦人
  • 由首席設計師Anurag Nema 和 Kevin Lien帶領的紐約建築和設計公司
Joyce Wang
  • 由香港著名室內設計師Joyce Wang
  • Joyce Wang Studio 創辦人
Kohn pedersen fox
  • 出自紐約屢獲殊榮的設計師樓
Fiona Barratt-Campbell
  • 屢獲殊榮的英國設計師兼企業家
  • Fiona Barratt Interiors室内設計工作室創辦人
01 / 05
“Contemporary living goes beyond aesthetics to where people feel they want to stay there longer, invite friends to join them and feel very much at home with a sense of comfort. It is not about curating a particular lifestyle - it is about choosing to live with culture.” André Fu
"Authenticity and relevance and storytelling - this is the trinity of good design." Anurag Nema
"Good design means striking a balance between objectivity and subjectivity, rational and emotional, discipline and indulgence. The most important thing is to make the audience think. Design shouldn’t be superficial – it’s an essential form of expression." Joyce Wang
"We believe that the best design is the product of an open-minded search, one without preconceptions or stylistic formulae." Kohn Pedersen Fox
「The Artisanal Movement是一個開拓想像力的旅程,不僅是設計和美學上,更是通過我們對於訂製工藝的堅持,延續現代生活文化。」 Fiona Barratt-Campbell
André Fu
  • 國際著名香港建築師
  • AFSO工作室創辦人
“Contemporary living goes beyond aesthetics to where people feel they want to stay there longer, invite friends to join them and feel very much at home with a sense of comfort. It is not about curating a particular lifestyle - it is about choosing to live with culture.” André Fu
  • 由首席設計師Anurag Nema 和 Kevin Lien帶領的紐約建築和設計公司
"Authenticity and relevance and storytelling - this is the trinity of good design." Anurag Nema
Joyce Wang
  • 由香港著名室內設計師Joyce Wang
  • Joyce Wang Studio 創辦人
"Good design means striking a balance between objectivity and subjectivity, rational and emotional, discipline and indulgence. The most important thing is to make the audience think. Design shouldn’t be superficial – it’s an essential form of expression." Joyce Wang
Kohn pedersen fox
  • 出自紐約屢獲殊榮的設計師樓
"We believe that the best design is the product of an open-minded search, one without preconceptions or stylistic formulae." Kohn Pedersen Fox
Fiona Barratt-Campbell
  • 屢獲殊榮的英國設計師兼企業家
  • Fiona Barratt Interiors室内設計工作室創辦人
「The Artisanal Movement是一個開拓想像力的旅程,不僅是設計和美學上,更是通過我們對於訂製工藝的堅持,延續現代生活文化。」 Fiona Barratt-Campbell